Christia Monogram

TD summer

reading club


TD Summer Reading Club (TDSRC) is the nation's largest billingual summer reading program aimed for kids of all ages. To encourage kids to read during the summer, we gamified the website to award them for tracking books, participating in activities and engaging on the site.

The site was built from the ground up and to get kids excited about the library during their summer break, there are activities including: trivia, battle of the books, silly stories, jokes and more.

roles: art direction, ux research, design

illustrator: Dave Whamond

developer: Rajbir Karan Singh

TDSRC desktop site
User Personas
Quote from kid
Quote from another kid
User Research
TDSRC content map
TDSRC information architecture
TDSRC user flow
TDSRC login user flow
TDSRC user journey
TDSRC wireframes
Mobile version of the TDSRC Books page
TDSRC: homepage
TDSRC: colour sheets
TDSRC: silly stories
TDSRC: books
TDSRC: kids' recommendations
TDSRC: book details
TDSRC: battle of the books
TDSRC: create account
TDSRC: your notebook
TDSRC: have read books in notebook
TDSRC: liked jokes in notebook
TDSRC: edit avatar